100 Objects Pack on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/posts/resources-100-3d-74813825 100
Objects Pack on Gumroad – https://graphicinmotion.gumroad.com/l/3dobjectspack1
Tutorial Level – Beginner
- 00:00 Introduction
- 01:50 Basic shape setup
- 02:50 Converting polygons to volumes
- 03:52 Converting volumes to polygons
- 04:26 Smoothing volumes
- 05:46 Basic boolean operation
- 07:18 Create Volumes from particles
- 09:23 Second abstract shape
- 11:29 Platonic primitive basics
- 12:33 Copy objects to surfaces
- 16:48 Remesh to grid node
- 20:15 Exoside Quad Remesher
- 26:26 Outro